And even if it’s not, I’m going to say it again and again.
1. No need to run the A/C which means I can turn on the oven without overheating the house. Which means oven meals and baking.
2. The garden is all but over. No back breaking weeding. No buckets of peas and beans to prepare for freezing. In fact, the freezer is full and I can enjoy the fruits of my labors throughout the winter.
3. The evenings are cool. So nice to walk and watch the sun come up. Or go down. Or both only at opposite ends of the day.
4. Autumn, and school resuming have always felt like New Years to me. A time to take stalk of things I need to get done or want to achieve. A chance to start over.
5. Normal activities are back to normal. I like routine. Except when I need a break from it.
6. Birds are gathering. There are flocks of blackbirds that swoop and dive like a visual piece of music. The geese honk overhead. Blue jays and whiskey jacks come by with their raucous call.
7. The colors are beautiful. I love autumn drives and take tons of pictures. I am going to share a collage with you. If you look carefully, you can see the road I took by mistake and almost couldn’t get turned around. The road got more and more narrow. There was a bank to one side, a drop to the other. I was driving the big handicapped van and no, despite what my passenger said, I wasn’t backing down that narrow, windy trail.
There are so many things about autumn. Is it any wonder it’s my favorite season? Is it yours? Why or why not?
Enjoy these fall colors.