LESSONS FROM THE BIRDS Birds fill the trees. They sing from every perch. Their songs make us glad. If I take time to observe them I can learn many things. 1. They sing like no one is listening. Lesson for … Continue reading →
LESSONS FROM THE BIRDS Birds fill the trees. They sing from every perch. Their songs make us glad. If I take time to observe them I can learn many things. 1. They sing like no one is listening. Lesson for … Continue reading →
Remember last week when I told you how much I enjoy birds?? Well, not so much enjoyment this week. I have a nice saskatoon bush that is covered with berries. I love them and can’t wait to pick them and … Continue reading →
I enjoy watching birds. They are so little and yet so hardy. Some of them even overwinter in our very cold climate. How on earth do they keep warm? When I walk I hear birds singing, I see them everywhere. … Continue reading →
The other day fog surrounded me as I walked. It was peaceful and calm. As I passed a row of trees I was startled at the volume of bird song I heard. My thoughts went back to a little thing … Continue reading →