We had three babies visit us on Easter. It’s amazing to have three close to the same age. Three learning to sit. Three soon walking (talk about having to baby proof!). And soon, three two year olds. Yes, that will …Continue reading →
It’s Easter weekend. We see signs of life and new beginnings all around. I look out the window and see a bald eagle soaring his wings barely moving at catching the wind. He is on his way north. From the …Continue reading →
Spring arrived last week. And surprise, surprise we had spring like weather. Very nice. Of course we’ve also had snow and cold but I don’t mind. It’s almost April I know winter in on her last legs. And we’ve had …Continue reading →
According to the commercials golf has a sweet spot. So does the baseball bat and insurance. Wikipedia has a definition for it. ‘A sweet spot is a place, often numerical as opposed to physical, where a combination of factors suggest …Continue reading →
If you don’t think so come and spend a day or two in my life. I’ll spare you the details though I’m sure they would be interesting to a spectator. Instead, watch this video. the confused philosopher So what’s a …Continue reading →
I read an article in the Jan. 18, 2010 Maclean’s magazine about a young woman who decided to follow Oprah for a year doing everything Oprah said she must do. She said she spent 1,320 hours that year or 6.6 …Continue reading →
When is a bronze medal a gold one in Olympics? When you overcome loss, angst and inconceivable odds and do your best. Such as Joannie Rochette did. Although her mother died unexpectedly while at Vancouver to cheer on her daughter, …Continue reading →
Let me begin with a story. There was a young woman who greatly admired the painting of an up-and-coming young artist. Just looking at it gave her pleasure. The price was too high for her to afford it. But one …Continue reading →
Technorati Tags: Olympics,war,how to sustain tension Did you watch the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver winter Olympics? I did. Why? Mostly to see who lit the cauldron. Would it be the Great One–Wayne Gretzky? Or perhaps some unknown? I …Continue reading →
I’d like to introduce the cover for my April 2010 release, THE COWBOY’S BABY. I love the pose they have of the little girl and the man. I hope it will entice many readers to pick up the book and …Continue reading →