I love new beginnings so I’m always happy to sit down at the start of a new year and consider what I’d like to do in the future. So here is a list for the new year.
1. Better health. That means making better eating choices and being more regular about exercise. It sounds so straightforward and easy on the page. I find it a lot harder in practice.
2. A better attitude. I want to be more understanding, more accepting, more forgiving toward others and the things they do that I MIGHT consider silly or even stupid.
3. I want to better observe the things I have to be grateful for. I live in a world blessed with so much and yet I far too often take it for granted.
4. Take more time to stop and enjoy the simple, and not so simple, pleasures of life–a sunset or sunrise, wild flowers hidden in the grass, birds singing, a baby’s tiny fingers, a child’s wide smile.
5. Less complaining. For one thing, it puts me in a bad mood.
It also robs me of the joys and pleasures of each day.
6. Watch for opportunities to encourage, smile, give a hug, say I love you.
Happy New Year to you. May it be blessed with lots of smiles and joys.
WELCOME 2012 — No Comments
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