When was the last time you read a book that gave you joy? I recently read one that did.
Paris Letters is the story of a young woman (Canadian, by the way) who began her journey by writing in a journal as recommended by Julia Cameron in her book, The Artist’s Way. Her writing led her to discover that she didn’t like her current life so she began to downsize and save in order to take a year off.
Her journey took her to Paris where sitting in a cafe writing in journal allowed her to watch a handsome butcher across the street. They had no language in common but nevertheless struck up a growing friendship. I’ll let you read the book to discover how that worked.
Eventually, the author, Janice Macleod, needed to top up her savings account and began writing her Paris letters. She painted a picture and wrote a letter. She copied these and mailed them to subscribers. I found the paintings and letters fascinating. Perhaps because I’ve been to Paris and it was like revisiting the place but also, because this woman has a wonderful way with words. Her letters are still available on Etsy.
Run on over and have a look at her work.
The book was a joy to read and reminded me of my delightful few days in Paris.
If I can’t go back to Paris, I can at least enjoy reading about the beautiful city.
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