It began with a New Year’s resolution. A good thing. Yes? Get into shape. Lose a few pounds and start taking some of the supplements we are encouarged to take–baby aspirin, Omega 3–that sort of thing.
So I started doing them–at least the easy part. I started taking the extra supplements. All good. Right?
Turns out, not so much, in my case.
It began with difficulty catching my breath. Then I got so I was breathless at far less than my normal amount of exertion. Constant ache in my left chest which worsened at night. Yes, I did the reasonable thing. I arranged to see my doctor. Unfortunately the earliest date was three weeks away. But the nurse told me what days my doctor would be the ER doctor. So I waited. And I checked out my symptons on webMD. For most of them a warning orange flag appeared. ‘Go immediately to the nearest medical facility.’ But I needed to see my doctor so I could get follow up. So I waited as my symptoms worsened. Or was I just imagining it? You know how it is when you start to think about aches and pains. They get worse.
Friday was her day in ER so up I went. She rubbed her hands in glee at being able to poke and prod me. I had ECG, xrays, blood work. My heart was fine but she said my lungs looked…okay, I can’t remember what she said but something about them being over inflated, or something. It appears I am having an allergic reaction to the Omega fish based pills which I had quit taking two weeks prior as soon as my symptoms appeared.
I’m home with a puffer and pills and orders not to do anything strenuous until I get an all clear. (At least 2 weeks). Not that doing anything strenuous is an option. I can’t get enough air into my lungs for just ordinary activity. And a strict warning to avoid fish in the future. Any kind of fish. (There goes tuna melts and salmon sandwiches.)
So now I have an excuse for sitting around enjoying the sunrise and/or sunset.
Or planning trips to somewhere warm and sunny. Like Hawaii.
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