B is for…
Baer as in Judy Baer who has written (according to the information in this book) more than 70 books. (B is also for be in awe of someone who has so many books under her belt.) The book is put out by Steeple Hill (publisher of my Love Inspired Historicals). It is a refreshing, fast paced story of a missionary kid who accidentally won the lottery. Over 20 million dollars in fact. Her quandary was what to do with so much money when she’d been raised to believe living simply was the best way. I enjoyed this book. A good read.
B is also for balance…something I was determined to introduce into my life this year. So far not doing so good.
"When our life is out of balance we have stress! Balance in your life does bring less stress to your life!"
Catherine Pulsifer
I asked some of my writing friends how they managed. I will share a few of their responses.
Marty Perry says, "Well, since you ask, I’m devoted to my lists. I live to check things off them! And I apply the Flylady principles to my house, working my way through it in fifteen minutes a day, with an hour of cleaning on the weekends and my husband’s help.
And I’m fortunate in that I can work anyplace. Put me in a car or sitting at a busy gate at the airport, and I’ll write. I don’t think beyond the next thing that has to be done, other than to consult my calendar to see how much time I have until the next deadline. If I did, I’d be paralyzed and I wouldn’t accomplish anything! www.martaperry.com
Linda says: maybe my lists are too long. If I only put one or two things on them I might get done and feel like I’m in control.
Terri Blackstock says, "I’m not sure we can find balance all the time. We have to make sure that we have it in most of our life, but there are those twelve hour days and those marathon writing times that can’t be helped. We’re all leaders/writers/marketers/business owners. And juggling all that is getting harder all the time. Years ago, all I had to do was write. Now I have to manage a million other things. I think the main thing is not to forsake our first love. www.terriblackstock.com
Linda says: Besides shorter lists, I need to accept that sometimes the best plans fail. And I need to remember my first love which is writing stories that portray God’s love.
Lenora Worth in her usual funny way gave me this advise: On a clean house–Sweep the room with a glance.Dust bunnies don’t require feeding. On cooking–The best thing to make for dinner is a reservation. On exercising–Anything that doesn’t make you sweat. I find shopping to works best. I use all the major muscle groups trying on clothes and shoes! And walking the mall is much more interesting than looking at trees. (hah, hah) http://www.lenoraworth.com
Carolyne Aarsen says, "I love going for walks outside, gives my brain a chance to sort out some of the stuff that’s rolling around in it. Even when I’m tired after a long day, a walk outside looking at trees <g> seems to put things in perspective." www.carolyneaarsen.com
Linda says: I agree. Balance can be found in getting things into perspective. I struggle to achieve it, often miss it by a mile, but I am learning to balance the requirements of my job, the requirements of my writing and the demands of life in general. I hope I’m getting better every day.
”You’ve achieved success in your field when you don’t know whether what you’re doing is work or play." –Warren Beatty
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