I set out on my morning walk, determined to get in as many steps as possible in my limited time. After all, I had things to do, plans, an agenda. And then I saw a skunk headed for the road. It was going to cross right in front of me. I was bigger and I’m sure smarter. After all, how big a brain can it have? I was sure my agenda was of more importance than a skunk’s. But in the name of common sense and safety (mine), I stopped and waited for it to cross and go on its merry way. A small animal but a huge roadblock.
I realize that writing stories is sometimes like that. I have a plan and I’m set on writing. But suddenly, the writing comes grinding to a halt. I’ve learned I can’t blindly push forward. There is something creating the roadblock and I have to stop and figure out what it is.
Maybe life is like that too. Unexpected things cause our lives to come to a grinding halt. We have to stop and re-evaluate. Is it time to change direction? Choose another route? Wait?
These past couple of weeks, I’ve been dealing with roadblocks. Skunks are the easiest to deal with. Story problems are not quite so easy and life re-directions are the hardest to figure out.
Thankfully, I am not floundering on my own even if it sometimes feels that way. God promises, ‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.’ Psalm 32:8.
As Matt Redman says in his beautiful song, 10,000 Reasons:
Whatever may pass
And whatever lies before me
Let me be singing
When the evening comes
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