I’m behind with my blog, announcements re contest winners and–okay, I’m behind in just about everything. My excuse–and I’m sticking to it– is I’ve been sick with a cold all week.
First, the winner of my contest is Anne. Congratulations. The book is in the mail. ( As soon as I get it packaged up.)
Secondly, check out the post below this one–an interview with Ruth. It’s a great interview and if you post a comment your name will be entered to win one of her books.
Next item of business–check out this link for a fun spot-the-differences game featuring the cover of my May release. I’m thrilled they chose to use my cover.
Speaking of getting on track….
I’ve been working on a story idea. By now I understand there are certain things each story must have–simple things like a hero and a heroine, a romance and some sort of conflict. I thought I had them all with this story but it just didn’t feel right to me. And I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Or at least I couldn’t seem to fix it. But I am happy to report that yesterday bits and pieces of the cure came to me and last night, while I was trying to sleep (of course)
I think I figured it out. Now I just have to go back and fix the story which is about half written and then finish this draft. Okay it’s not exactly simple but at least I am finally on track.
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